[OCWR] Week 10 - OpenCitations Weekly Report

Week from Oct 05 to Oct 11


The tenth week was dedicated to code cleaning and refactoring. Some useless methods were removed, while others were added. The function _add was split as to separate the logic related to the creation of the GraphEntity instances from the one used for ProvEntity instances. A bug concerning the automatic URI generation for new entities was fixed, leading to a new 1.0.1 release.


Code cleaning and refactoring

Firstly, every bit of code related to the field res_count of the class GraphSet was removed. Actually, it was a useless value which is not referenced from outside by any external software which makes use of the oc_ocdm package. The GraphSet test file was updated accordingly.

The internal method _add of GraphSet was split into _add and _add_prov, each one responsible only for the instantiation of (respectively) GraphEntity instances and ProvEntity instances. This simplifies the code and leads to a better separation of responsibilities.

Fixing a bug and a warning

I fixed a warning caused by the signature of the newly created _add_prov method, which had a default mutable value for the argument list_of_entities. I simply replaced the default empty list with an empty tuple (which is immutable).

I then fixed a bug in the constructor of GraphEntity that caused the URIs of each new entity to contain their short_name twice. For example, http://test/br/br/1 was generated while the correct URI would have been http://test/br/1. After this bugfix, I bumped the version number of the package to the 1.0.1 release.

New functionalities

A new remove_entity method was added to the GraphEntityclass. This method makes it possible to remove in a single step every triple contained by a GraphEntity instance. Furthermore, thanks to some new methods of the GraphSet class, it is now possible to extract a tuple containing all the entities of the same type which are contained inside the GraphSet. For example, it’s now possible to get all the ReferenceAnnotation instances in a GraphSet just by calling the method get_an.