[OCWR] Week 11 - OpenCitations Weekly Report

Week from Oct 12 to Oct 18


During the eleventh week, many changes were made to the code of oc_ocdm. A lot of methods were added, some methods had their name changed and a lot of useless code was removed. Half-way through the week, new functionalities were published within a new minor release 1.1.0. Since some breaking changes were made afterwards, a new major release (2.0.0) should be released during the next week.


New remove methods

I added a new “remove” method for each “add” method of each entity class. This makes it possible not only to add triples to an entity but also to remove or replace existing ones. Actually, a line was drawn between single-valued and multi-valued properties (according to the OCDM specifications). From now on, based on the type of the property, the related “add” and “remove” method will follow these rules:

  • single-valued properties
    • “add” -> the newly added value for the considered property will replace every previously existing values
    • “remove” -> every existing value for the considered property will be deleted, no argument should be passed to these methods
  • multi-valued properties
    • “add” -> the new value for the considered property gets added to the existing ones, as if it was appended to a “list of values”
    • “remove” -> if no argument is passed, every existing value for the considered property will be deleted, otherwise only the given value will be removed

These changes were published within the 1.1.0 minor release.

Various changes to the codebase

All around the codebase, a useless fragment of code was repeatedly used to extract the URIRef object associated with an entity: URIRef(str(entity)). This used to exploit the __str__ overridden method of GraphEntity, which in turn returned the value str(self.res) (where self.res is already of the type URIRef!). The reported code fragment was simply replaced by entity.res, which does exactly the same but without requiring any function call and any new object instantiation, which was a completely useless waste of time/hardware resources.

Then, I changed the name of some methods, as they now make more sense:

  • _create_annotation from BibliographicReference became create_annotation
  • _create_annotation from ReferencePointer became create_annotation
  • _create_body_annotation from ReferenceAnnotation became create_body_annotation
  • is_context_of_rp_or_pl from DiscourseElement was split into is_context_of_rp and is_context_of_pl
  • _create_citation from Citation was split into create_citing_entity and create_cited_entity

Moreover, “add” methods which add literal values do not return a boolean result anymore. From now on, it should always be assumed that they work correctly.

Decorators used to enforce argument types

An accepts_only decorator was defined and applied to each “add” and “remove” method of every entity class. This is needed to modify the runtime behaviour of these methods, which are now able to eventually detect an argument of the wrong type and to raise a TypeError exception. This change makes it much more difficult for the user to misuse the oc_ocdm package.