Week from Nov 02 to Nov 08


During the fourteenth week, I reorganized the online repository by means of a rebasing activity: some old commits were slightly edited, others were moved up or down in the commit history, new tags/releases were added, … A part from that, some more substantial changes were made too. A bug and a warning were both fixed, two methods had their signature changed, a lot of variables were renamed to avoid name conflicts with “add” methods, the _create_type implementation was fixed and, finally, missing “getter” and “remove_” methods were added to the GraphEntity class.


The bug and the warning

A bug was found in the add_ci method from GraphSet: the label produced by the _add method was not passed to the constructor of the Citation class. This small error was fixed so that labels can now be auto-generated for citations too.

In the remove_id method of BibliographicEntity, a warning was raised by a local variable named id which shadowed the builtin Python name id. This issue was fixed simply by changing the name of the local variable to id_res.

Dates should be always passed to methods as ISO8601 strings

From now on, every method in the library that accepts a date as an argument will mandatorily require an ISO8601 formatted string. Before this changes, the two methods has_pub_date of BibliographicResource and has_citation_creation_date of Citation required a list containing at most three integers representing –respectively– the year, the month and the day. The user can still work with dates in that particular format but, in such a case, it must convert them to ISO8601 strings: an helper method from the oc_ocdm.support subpackage named create_date can be used to achieve this goal in a simplified way.

Other changes

Every class variable of GraphEntity and ProvEntity which consisted in a rdflib.URIRef instance was renamed with an iri_ prefix. This was really needed to avoid a name conflict between some of those variables and respective “add” methods. Now they’re also more easily distinguishable from other variables.

The _create_type implementation (in the GraphEntity class) was updated: while the main RDF type associated with the entity must always be preserved, a second type can be added to better specify the subclass to which the entity belongs. When a new type is specified, it’s now used as a replacement for the secondary type of the entity (in case it’s already existing) while the main type is kept untouched.

Methods get_label, remove_label, get_types and remove_type had to be added to the GraphEntity class, since they were still missing.

Rebase activity and new releases

The commit history was edited during the week, with some old commits being slightly fixed and others being moved chronologically up or down. This was needed in order to be able to publish meaningful releases:

  • 2.1.0 (minor release). Starting from the 2.0.0 release, most of the additions shown in the 13th weekly report were included.
  • 2.1.1 (bugfix). Fixed both the bug and the warning shown in this report.
  • 3.0.0 (major release). Fixed methods with inverse logic (see 13th weekly report) and changed signature to the two methods that accept a date as input (see this report). Renamed IRI-related class variables of GraphEntity and ProvEntity (see this report).

Other changes will be included in a future release.