[OCWR] Week 18 - OpenCitations Weekly Report

Week from Nov 30 to Dec 06


During the eighteenth week I’ve done a lot of work both on the ShEx validator and on the new implementation of generate_provenance. I found a way to make the validator work and I fixed some remaining issues of the generate_provenance method, which I found out because of the newly added test function. I also continued cleaning the code of the oc_ocdm repository and I added some functionality to the reader.py module.


ShEx validation

During this week, after some additional experimentations, I found a way to make the validator work well with valid RDF data without losing the possibility of enforcing the shape constraint to entities related the one on focus. I created two different variants of the ShExC file: one with the CLOSED shape constraint and one without it. As of now, the second one works beautifully while the first one still produces some errors here and there which seem to be related to the implementation of the PyShEx package itself.

Anyway, the idea is the following: during the validation phase of a particular entity, the ShEx validator should only check that the referenced/referencing entities have the correct rdf:type property value. This means that their complete shape conformance test is actually postponed to the moment when each of them will become the on focus item and it will be evaluated against the shape which corresponds with its rdf:type property value. This ensures a quicker evaluation of each entity while, at the same type, it enforces all the shape constraints defined into the ShExC file.

There’s only a little caveat: let’s say an entity A with shape AShape references an entity B with shape BShape. The entity A is evaluate before than B: the validator checks that B contains the expected rdf:type property value and it terminates stating that A is conformant with the AShape. Than, B is evaluated against the BShape but the validation fails. In this case, if the desidered behaviour is “both entities should fail the test”, than the algorithm fails to follow this behaviour. Otherwise, this strategy should work pretty well.

New generate_provenance implementation

While I was working on the new generate_provenance implementation, I noticed that some of the flags associated to the GraphEntity objects are almost meaningless since it very difficult (if not impossible) to programmatically know for sure their correct value. Hence, I completely removed the EntityFlags class and I moved the was_merged and to_be_deleted flags into the GraphEntity class. They, together with merge_list are now readonly properties of every GraphEntity object.

I refactored the generate_provenance implementation in order to make it much more human-readable, limiting as much as possible the use of the continue keyword.

I added the missing test function for the generate_provenance method: it consists in several subtests that represent all the possible situations that could occur. This test function highlighted a little bug in the generate_provenance implementation that I had to fixed right away (more precisely in the new _get_merge_description method).

I added a new sync_with_triplestore method to the GraphSet class: it loops over all its entities that are marked as to be deleted and it imports from the triplestore all the other entities which refer in some way to the “to be deleted” one. Then, it removes from them every triple referring to the “to be deleted” entity. This method should be called before generate_provenance if the user wants the triplestore to remain consistent: the modifications done to all of the involved entities will be reflected in the respective provenance snapshots.

Finally, I added a new method apply_changes to the GraphEntity class, which is intended to be used after the local entity objects are stored back onto the triplestore. It updates the internal properties of the object so to reflect the new persistent state of the entity. In this way, the object is now ready again to be modified and a new provenance snapshot can be generated. I added also an optional boolean parameter to the generate_provenance method of ProvSet (update_entities) which, if True, forces the method to call apply_changes on all the entities for which provenance was generated.

Various fixes

I transformed the Reader class into a simple Python module and I added a new method import_entity_from_triplestore which makes it really simple for the user to download an entity from a triplestore for later usage.

I fixed some import statements of the prov_set.py module and I removed the forced_type parameter of the GraphSet and GraphEntity constructors since it was now considered useless.

I also changed the name of the following methods of ProvEntity:

  • get_generation_date became get_generation_time;
  • get_invalidation_date became get_invalidation_time.