[OCWR] Week 3 - OpenCitations Weekly Report

Week from Aug 17 to Aug 23


The goal of the third week was to complete the code refactoring of graphlib.py. To get to that point, all the classes had to be completed with their missing methods, a test for each class had to be written and the code had to be filled with docstrings in order to provide some initial level of documentantion. I also had to write a proper README.md file for the online repository and I had to refactor the code from datasethandler.py (have a look here) into two distinct Python modules: dataset.py and distribution.py.


Added missing methods

Strictly following the latest version of the OCDM described in this document, I added the missing methods of each class belonging to the GraphEntity subclasses hierarchy. A list of them is provided below:


  • has_edition
  • has_related_document


  • has_citation_creation_date
  • has_citation_time_span
  • has_citation_characterization
  • create_self_citation
  • create_affiliation_self_citation
  • create_author_network_self_citation
  • create_author_self_citation
  • create_funder_self_citation
  • create_journal_self_citation
  • create_journal_cartel_citation
  • create_distant_citation


  • has_related_agent


  • create_digital_embodiment
  • create_print_embodiment
  • has_url
  • has_media_type


  • create_section
  • create_section_title
  • create_paragraph
  • create_table
  • create_footnote
  • create_caption


  • has_next_rp

Unit Testing

Inside the tests folder of the oc_ocdm repository (prepared in advance during last week), I created a test module for each oc_ocdm’s class. Some tests may still be missing, but I hope to finish them as soon as possible.

Since many of the methods from oc_ocdm’s classes are very similar to each other, the vast majority of the respective tests turned out to be similar. Here is an example of the most common type of test:

    def test_has_id(self):
        result = self.entity.has_id(self.identifier)

        triple = URIRef(str(self.entity)), GraphEntity.has_identifier, URIRef(str(self.identifier))
        self.assertIn(triple, self.entity.g)

Documentation and README.md

During the week, I found very little time to be dedicated to documentation writing. Hence, I had only the possibility of writing class docstrings using the definitions provided by the OCDM. Docstrings for the methods are still missing.

I wrote a README.md file with information about how to manage the Poetry package and how to run tests locally.

DatasetHandler code refactoring

I started the DatasetHandler code refactoring, creating two separate classes: Dataset inside dataset.py and Distribution inside distribution.py. I added to both classes the methods from datasethandler.py that respectively belong to each of them and I added Type Hints for each method. Additional work may be needed in the near future.